Ready to improve your hair health?
Let's talk about scalp health and how a few simple changes in your haircare routine will significantly impact your hair's growth quality and scalp health.
Hair thinning is caused by the sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT. Testosterone enters the hair follicle through androgen receptors; once it enters, it interacts with an enzyme 5 alpha-reductase, then converts to DHT. Unfortunately, the DHT causes havoc for hair follicles. This then leads to a process called miniaturization, which causes the hair to become thinner, and eventually, these hairs grow so weak they fall out and do not regrow.

Scientists in the lab at Jill Turnbull Beauty have identified ingredients that, when applied topically, can halt DHT from damaging hair follicles; aloe vera, algae, shea butter, panthenol, and green tea through hundreds of published clinical studies established that these ingredients block DHT.
By blocking DHT from attacking the hair, follicle hair loss can be prevented stimulating thicker, stronger, and healthier-looking hair and better scalp health.
Jill Turnbull Haircare System features DHT halting technology, the most effective ingredients available to help feed your hair exactly what it needs to grow strong, thick, and healthy and for the best scalp health.
You can also support the best scalp health through everyday habits.Â
This includes using gentle products and being kind to your hair.Â
Don't wash your hair every day, if you can.
When you do wash it, gently massage your scalp rather than rub it. Massage is the best for scalp health.Â
A diet rich in vegetables and fruit also supports the best scalp health.
Transform your scalp and hair with Jill Turnbull Beauty pre-wash TREAT for the best scalp health. Take your 1-on-1 consultation with Jill today! The scalp health mask by Jill Turnbull Beauty is 100% made for your scalp and hair type, goals, and needs.
Jill Turnbull Hair Care System contains ingredients designed to help stimulate hair growth and scalp health.
TREAT is our soothing pre-wash treatment to restore balance to your scalp overnight for better scalp health.
WASH is our rebalancing shampoo that melts into a milky emulsion to gently cleanse your hair and scalp while maximizing color longevity and protecting against harmful free radicals. For the best scalp health.
SERUM is our restorative blend of aloe vera and amino acids to restore and renew luster to dry damaged scalp and hair for better scalp health.
TONE is our nourishing conditioner that treats fine, fragile, and damaged hair. Perfect for all hair types for the best scalp health.
LEAVE.IN is our fortifying elixir formulated to boost thickness and body. Developed with the highest concentration of lavender hydrosol, organic aloe, nutrient-rich Panthenol (vitamin B5), and powerhouse algae with 49 antioxidants. A nurturing and restorative blend to restore and renew luster and shine to dry, damaged, brittle scalp and hair for the best scalp health.
The most effective hair loss fighting combination and scalp health. Scientifically formulated and chemically free   SHOP HAIRCAREÂ
Proper hair care
Healthy hair care starts with choosing good products and maintaining a regular routine. Look for products designed for your type of hair, whether oily, dry, fine, color-treated, etc. And good for scalp health.Â
Hair products deposit residue on your hair. That’s why they work; that same residue gets on your skin as the product rinses down your face and body in the shower or transfers from hair or a towel/pillowcase to the skin, even 2-4 hours after rinsing. Therefore, I have chosen ocean-safe, natural, sustainable ingredients when formulating Jill Turnbull Beauty.Â
Our thoughtfully sourced ingredient blends color-safe hair care working together to create good scalp health and healthy natural hair with no regrets.
Treating your hair gently promotes healthy growth and the best scalp health. Avoid very hot water when you shampoo and gently dry your hair when you’re done. Hair is more vulnerable to damage when it’s wet. Turning down the heat when drying your hair may also make a difference. Scalp massage and brushing your hair increases follicle stimulation, may help dilate blood vessels beneath the skin, and encourage hair growth and good scalp health.
Good nutrition
Hair is primarily made of protein; you should keep up your protein intake by focusing on healthy proteins. That includes lean meats, fish, beans, legumes, and low-fat dairy products. A recent study in the journal Dermatology and Therapy Trusted Source also found that sufficient intake of the following nutrients was associated with healthy hair growth: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Iron (especially in women), Zinc, folic acid, and vitamin B12 may also be associated with promoting healthy hair growth and the scalp health.
The Mayo Clinic reports three premature hair-loss conditions related to high-stress levels. They include Telogen effluvium. This condition accelerates hair from the anagen phase into the telogen phase and then into the exogen phase, doubling or tripling average daily hair loss. Trichotillomania. This psychological condition causes an irresistible urge to pull hair from your scalp or other areas of your body, Alopecia areata. This condition occurs when the body’s immune system attacks healthy hair follicles, causing hair loss Learning to de-stress with the help of yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, counseling, and avoiding some of the daily stressors in your life may help reduce your stress, which can have many positive health benefits to your hair and your scalp health.Â
How does your hair grow, and what are the four stages of growth?
The growth and loss of hair may seem like a simple process, but the hair growth cycle is composed of four distinct phases. These stages of hair growth have been studied in great depth to better understand how hair grows and what might be done to prevent or treat premature hair loss.
The first three phases — anagen, catagen, and telogen — cover the growth and maturation of hair and the activity of the hair follicles that produce individual hairs. During the final, or exogen, phase, the “old” hair shaft is released, sheds, and new hair gets ready to take its place.
Each phase has its own timeline, which can be affected by age, nutrition, and overall health. That means there are steps you can take along the way to help ensure that your hair follows a healthy growth cycle from the inside out. For the best scalp health.Â
Anagen: Growing phase
The stages of hair growth begin with the anagen phase.
It’s the longest phase, lasting about 3 to 5 years for the hairs on your head.Â
For some people, a single hair could grow for 7 or more years.Â
During the anagen phase, your hair follicles push out hairs that will continue to grow until they’re cut or until they reach the end of their lifespan and fall out.

Catagen: Transition phase
The catagen phase starts when the anagen phase ends and lasts about 10 days or so.
During this chapter, hair follicles shrink, and hair growth slows.Â
The hair also separates from the bottom of the hair follicle yet remains in place during its final days of growing.Â
Only about 5 percent of the hairs on your head are in the catagen phase at any given time.

Telogen: Resting phase
The telogen phase typically lasts around 3 months.Â
An estimated 10 to 15 percent of your scalp hairs are in this phase.Â
Hairs don’t grow during the telogen phase, but they don’t usually fall out either.Â
The telogen phase is also when new hairs start to form in follicles that have just released hairs during the catagen phase.Â
Some health experts consider the telogen phase the shedding phase, but many scientists have divided this stage into the telogen and exogen stages.

Exogen: Shedding phase
The exogen phase is essentially an extension or a part of the telogen stage of hair growth.
During the exogen phase, hair is shed from the scalp, often helped by washing and brushing.Â
Losing 50 to 100 hairs per day during the exogen phase is normal.Â
During the exogen phase, which can last about 2 to 5 months, new hairs grow in the follicles as old hairs fall away.

How to maintain healthy hair during all four stages.
Healthy, fuller hair depends on genetics and hormone levels, which are largely beyond your control, as well as manageable factors related to a healthy lifestyle and proper hair care, and the best scalp health.
Key takeaways:-Â the four phases of hair growth include anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen.Â
Each phase lasts for a different length of time. Talk with a doctor if you believe you’re losing your hair faster than you’re used to. An underlying condition that disrupts the stages of hair growth may be to blame, and treating it promptly may help slow hair loss and preserve the healthy hair you have left. It is normal to lose up to 50 hairs per day and 150 each time you shampoo.
A healthy lifestyle of low stress, proper diet, and regular nourishing hair care should help promote healthy hair growth and the best scalp health for a long time.
Your scalp health is the connection between internal health and external beauty. The quality of hair follicles depends upon the quality of the tissue, cells, and blood that fuel the hair strand, which makes our hair fiber. Certain factors such as vitamin deficiencies, health conditions, medication side effects, or high cortisol levels due to stress can have a negative impact on the hair follicles, which can compromise scalp health and lead to issues such as hair shedding, thinning, and a problematic scalp. The best scalp health gives your the healthiest hair.Â